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Soulfilled Sisterhood

May 29, 2018

Tamara Powell, LMHC is a licensed therapist, university psychology instructor, and spiritual empowerment coach who believes life should be lived as a journey that is “anything but ordinary.”

She opened Arya Therapy Services as a way to provide holistic health and healing for non-conformists. With specialties in...

May 22, 2018

In this episode, Nicole Burgess shares the good girl mindset or image and how to reawaken the woman within you. Breaking free from placing your self-worth, acceptance,  desires in the hands of others and bring your inner wisdom and power back to Self.

In this episode:

  • Looking outside yourself for answers or acceptance

May 22, 2018

Host, Nicole Burgess, shares how daily self-reflection can change not only the relationship you have with yourself but also with others and your spiritual path. It impacts every area of your life from career, parenting, self-development, spirituality, and the neural pathways in your brain.  Show notes at

May 9, 2018

Nicole Burgess licensed marriage and family therapist and empowerment mentor to women is the host of this podcast. This weekly show will have solo and guest interviews on being an introvert, highly sensitive person, entrepreneur, leader, managing anxiety, self-development, inner wisdom, spirituality and more. This...